Good morning gal pals and happy Sunday. I hope y’all weekends have been amazing! Today is a big day here at mi casa! It’s Christmas decorating day! Every year I put on my decorations the Sunday after Halloween. I know some of y’all are thinking “that’s so early!”, or “what about Thanksgiving?”. I hear ya, but since I don’t get to spend the holidays in my home I like to put my decorations up early so I can enjoy them.
Walker’s and my tradition over the past three years has become making margaritas, decorating ginger bread houses, putting up the tree and having tamales for dinner.
But enough about that, I’m here to talk ponchos with y’all! I love me a poncho! I think throwing on a poncho is such a cute and casual way to get that layered fall look. Plus they’re warm and cozy! Keep reading for my favorite affordable ponchos (all under $100) plus how I like to style them!
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