
Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe


Happy Saturday y’all!  I’m here in Sherman, TX visiting Walker for the weekend.  He usually comes home to Dallas on the weekends, but he has to work this weekend so Lu and I came to spend the weekend with him here.  Follow along on my Insta stories!

I hope you’ve come to realize is HQ for all your Thanksgiving needs! From holiday decor, to recipes to Thanksgiving #OOTD inspirations, it’s all here on the blog! Today I am sharing the word’s best Thanksgiving stuffing recipe!  My mom and I have been making this stuffing, or dressing as I’m sure some of y’all call it, for years and every year we get rave reviews! Keep reading fro recipe details AND a sneak peek of some of my recently purchased items that I plan on wearing this weekend in Sherman while visiting Walker and when we’re back home in CA for Thanksgiving!

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Monochromatic Fashion- Does This Outfit Make Me Look Beige?

monochromatic fashion

It’s finally Friday! Yay!  I hope you all had wonderful weeks.  Mine was busy, but productive, so that’s a win!

Lately I have been obsessed with monochromatic fashion, especially in beiges/neutrals!  Today I am sharing a monochromatic look that simply put, has me swooning!

Keep reading for full look details plus more pieces to give you a monochromatic look.

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Fall Fashion- When Your Look Matches the Turning Leaves

fall fashion tweed blazer

Happy Thursday gal pals! Can you believe this weather in Dallas this week?!  It feel so glorious and I am so excited the cooler temps have finally made their way to North Texas.

The beautiful colors of fall leaves have inspired today’s fall fashion post.  This look is perfect for Thanksgiving or a boozy brunch and it totally makes me feel like Blair Waldorf, so #goals.

Keep reading for full look details PLUS more fall leave inspired fall fashion!

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Baby It’s Cold Outside


The weather has finally turned and fall has arrived. There’s nothing better than a relaxing day at home when it’s cold out. I like to snuggle up by the fire with a good read, a delicious smelling candle and a cup of hot tea.

Today I am sharing some of my favorite cold weather musts that’ll keep you warm and toasty all fall and winter long.

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Thanksgiving Recipe for Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes

Is it Friday yet? Today I am shooting a bunch of fall looks for y’all and I cannot wait to share them all with you!

I don’t know y’all do Thanksgiving at your house, but at my parents’ my mom and I start cooking on Tuesday because there’s so much work to do.  We make everything from absolute scratch and we have the best time doing so, but sometimes Thanksgiving day can be stressful so we like doing as many make ahead recipes as we can.  This Thanksgiving recipe for make ahead mashed potatoes is not only great because you can make it up to 5 days before serving, but its so flippin’ good!

Keep reading for full recipe details and Thanksgiving #OOTD ideas!

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Home decor

Thanksgiving Tablescape Inspiration

thanksgiving tablescape Happy Monday y’all!  I hope all of you had wonderful weekends!  Mine was great, but it felt so so short.  It’s always so hard having Walker leave Sunday mornings after having such a great weekend together.  Last night we got all our Christmas decorations up (pics to come soon) and we had a blast doing so!

Today however is all about Thanksgiving here on the blog!  Every year I do new and different Thanksgiving tablescape for our Thanksgiving feast.  This sage and pumpkin table is from our dinner two tears ago.   Stay tuned because over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing even more Thanksgiving tablescape inspo!

Get the look.

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Ponchos for Fall Under $100


Good morning gal pals and happy Sunday.  I hope y’all weekends have been amazing!  Today is a big day here at mi casa!  It’s Christmas decorating day!  Every year I put on my decorations the Sunday after Halloween.  I know some of y’all are thinking “that’s so early!”, or “what about Thanksgiving?”.  I hear ya, but since I don’t get to spend the holidays in my home I like to put my decorations up early so I can enjoy them.

Walker’s and my tradition over the past three years has become making margaritas, decorating ginger bread houses, putting up the tree and having tamales for dinner.

But enough about that, I’m here to talk ponchos with y’all!  I love me a poncho!  I think throwing on a poncho is such a cute and casual way to get that layered fall look.  Plus they’re warm and cozy!  Keep reading for my favorite affordable ponchos (all under $100) plus how I like to style them!

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Midi Coats- A Chic Fall Must

midi coat

Hi friends!  Happy Saturday.  I hope you all had fun Fridays. One of my college girlfriends and her boyfriend are in town this weekend so we all met up for dinner.  Today we’re just going to have a relaxing day at home.

Today’s post is about midi coats.  During these cold months we have to bundle up, but no one wants to look like the Michelin Man.  Ew.  I love midi coats because 1.) they’re chic, duh and 2.) their length elongates your frame, making you look taller and slimmer.  Who doesn’t want that?!

Today I am sharing this midi coat look plus more of my faves that are all under $200!

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The Perfect Pâté Recipe for Thanksgiving


TGIF friends!  Today I am sharing one of my all time favorite recipes with you and I hope you and your family love it as much as I do!

If you haven’t tried my mom’s pâté, you haven’t lived!  Even people who don’t think they like pâté LOVE my mom’s!  This rich and decadent recipe is a perfect appetizer for your Thanksgiving feast!

Keep reading for full recipe details plus some Thanksgiving looks that are chic as can be!

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