Happy Saturday y’all! I’m here in Sherman, TX visiting Walker for the weekend. He usually comes home to Dallas on the weekends, but he has to work this weekend so Lu and I came to spend the weekend with him here. Follow along on my Insta stories!
I hope you’ve come to realize themeghanjones.com is HQ for all your Thanksgiving needs! From holiday decor, to recipes to Thanksgiving #OOTD inspirations, it’s all here on the blog! Today I am sharing the word’s best Thanksgiving stuffing recipe! My mom and I have been making this stuffing, or dressing as I’m sure some of y’all call it, for years and every year we get rave reviews! Keep reading fro recipe details AND a sneak peek of some of my recently purchased items that I plan on wearing this weekend in Sherman while visiting Walker and when we’re back home in CA for Thanksgiving!